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Anthony Weiss
Hugo L.
24 participants
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Messages : 3438
Date d'inscription : 22/11/2010
Age : 37
Localisation : 31

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MessageSujet: Re: Dopage   Dopage - Page 3 EmptyJeu 10 Fév - 16:25

skunk51 a écrit:
Hdn a écrit:

Joli discours, mais je suis pas totalement d'accord sur la forme ^^ C'est pas que l'évolution devient plus lente, c'est qu'au fil des années elle devient EXTREMEMENT lente. Rares sont ceux avec + de 10 ans de training qui arrivent à gagner ne seraient que quelques kilos sur les exos les plus lourds. En général après 4-5 ans de muscu on est proche du top niveau perf si on s'y met vraiment sérieusement ... Après c'est du peaufinage, au fil du temps mais faut de la patience et jouer avec son pdc ...

Hum, des exemples de personnes avec pas mal de training ( + de 10 ans je pense ) et qui augmentent encore leurs perfs ca se trouve même sur le forum ... Wink La en gros tu penses qu'entre 5 & 10 ans de training t'es au taquet, et qu'après faut se doper pour monter ses perfs parce que sinon ca monte pas ? affraid

Bah c'est un fait je parle pas de volume mais en force les mecs le disent ils sont au top très vite (quelques années seulement), heureusement qu'après ça se calme sinon y'aurait des 400 kilos au DC naturel si les gens avaient une progression tout le temps linéaire ... J'ai pas dit que tu progressais plus mais que c'était extrêmement lent, genre pousser un an pour gagner 3 kilos sur un 10 rm par exemple.
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Messages : 21
Date d'inscription : 29/01/2011
Localisation : Tours

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MessageSujet: Re: Dopage   Dopage - Page 3 EmptyJeu 10 Fév - 17:52

Citation :
Pour ce qui est de la testo à 50 ans je crois que ta pas compris Strong.

Pas grave :
Citation :
Joli discours

I love you
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MessageSujet: Témoignage sur le dopage   Dopage - Page 3 EmptyDim 27 Nov - 9:53

Voici un témoignage intéressant de Flex sur le dopage je trouve!

Dernière édition par Christo10 le Mer 30 Nov - 21:46, édité 1 fois
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Messages : 538
Date d'inscription : 21/11/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : 95

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MessageSujet: Re: Dopage   Dopage - Page 3 EmptyDim 27 Nov - 13:51

Ca fait plaisir de voir des anciens gros parler !
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MessageSujet: Re: Dopage   Dopage - Page 3 EmptyDim 27 Nov - 14:11

The State of Competitive

The Most Shocking Bodybuilding Interview Ever (IRONMAN, February

by Steve Holman
Comments in blue are mine.

Warning:This is
an extremely controversial interview. To be honest, we almost decided not to
print it; however, because IRONMAN has always been an open forum, going to great
lengths to tell the whole truth, we felt it was our responsibility to the sport
and to you, the reader, to allow this athlete to speak his mind.
It took a lot of courage for this man to stand up and tell
it like it is, and we are keeping him anonymous to protect his status as a professional
bodybuilder. We're inserting [blanks] in place of names to help protect his
identity-no process of elimination to narrow down the field-and also in place
of drug names, so drug-using bodybuilders don't get any inadvertent "help" with
their drug programs.
Keep in mind that we paid this man nothing because we feel
money can only corrupt the information. When people are paid a high sum, they
feel as if they have to give the interviewer his or her money's worth, and that
can result in exaggeration.
As you read this, remember that this athlete came to us because,
like us, he loves bodybuilding and wants to see it prosper, not die a painful
drug-induced death.
Fasten your seatbelts. This dose of reality is going to open
your eyes like nothing ever printed in this or any other bodybuilding magazine.

IM: You want to get some things
off your chest. You have the bodybuilding world's ear. What is it you want to
talk about?

BB: Well, you know, most of the things nobody wants to talk about. I
want to let everybody know how it really is.

IM: How it is with the drugs?

BB: Damn right!

IM: You're having to take too
many, correct?

BB: Way too many, man.

IM: What kind of drug bill are
we talking about?

BB: Well, growth hormone alone costs you $30,000 a year.
That is absolutely true, HGH costs a lot of money.

IM: Good lord!
BB: And steroids, that's not a really big problem. I use a lot, but you
can get it cheap. Mostly you gotta pay people to tell you how to use them. The
growth hormone, IGF-IÉ.

IM: And just the thought of putting
all that in your body all at one time-that's gotta take its toll on you mentally

BB: Well, I don't mind a little bit, because I do like big arms, big
back, big chest and legs and everything. But when it comes to the point where
I'm as big as I want to get-

IM: They tell you that you have
to get bigger, right?

BB: Yeah, I don't have a choice. I'm gonna be bigger. Next year you're
going to see me 24 pounds heavier.You know it's the whole mind-set that you
gotta get bigger and sacrifice your shape. I may not like the way my back looks.
I mean, I've got improvements to make, obviously. But those things come with
time. Maturing into a physique is nice, but they want a monster.

IM: Do you think it can ever stop?
I mean, if people keep getting bigger, what's going to happen to the sport?

BB: Well, the sport is already-

IM: Out of control?
BB: Yeah. It's an underground sport. It's [a cult that] likes to see
the freaky mass monsters....They really don't care. They just say, Whatever
it takes to do that, that's what we want to see. But I think a lot of people
want to see something that's somewhat attainable.

IM: Do you think the size of the
competitors has caused the people to be a little blast about it all? Like: Well,
they're just going to have to do what it takes. We don't care; if they die,
they die. We want to see 'em bigger, and we want to see 'em better.

BB: That's right. They want us to do it, and the judges want to see something
bigger. In order for us to make a living and live our dreams, we gotta do whatever
it takes, you know? You got guys like [blank, a bodybuilding columnist for another
magazine] saying, "Well, nobody's making you." I guess nobody is, but a lot
of us [have] this dream of being the best of the built.
Best of Roid built.

IM: Absolutely. And it's a performance
thing too. It's gratifying to be on stage. What do you think is a solution here?
Do you think there is one at this point?

BB: Well, it's hard to say. Once you've seen extreme physique development,
how are you going to train the eye of the audience to accept something less?
You can practically see [some of these guys'] lungs when they do rear lat spreads.
You just gotta accept something less. By the way, before I go on, let me tell
you right now, there's a lot of things in your hands.

IM: I understand. Your identity
is completely confidential, I promise you that. We'll just say you're a top
pro. That's all.

BB: Right. Okay. Ask anything.

IM: Do you think part of the solution
is for the judges to start rewarding a more aesthetic physique?

BB: That would be the only way the sport would go into a positive direction.
Like Bob Paris.

IM: Right, if Bob Paris came back.
I think the problem is you have to have an eye for that type of physique, and
the general public and most bodybuilding fans don't have it, so they look at
size as the top criterion for victory.

BB: I think there's a certain presence, an aura to a really complete
physique like Lee Labrada's, rather than someone who's just grotesque.

IM: Getting back to the whole
drug thing, do you have to stay on the drugs year-round?

BB: Yes. I haven't gone off at all for years.

IM: You have to inject, what,
three to four times a week?

BB: Every day.

IM: Every day you have to inject
something into your body?

BB: Yeah. Every day. Let me go over my stack.[He rattles off a list of
injectibles and orals that's so long, my jaw hits the desk.]

IM: This is just off-season?

BB: Yeah. And of course I like to use [blank] that blocks estrogen and
also increases testosterone levels. Also [blank] four times a day in the off-season
to allow me to eat more calories. I also take half a tablet of [blank], which
works better synergistically with growth hormone. Six weeks or so out I start
taking some [blank] to stop some of the gyno. I did have to have it removed
a few years back, but it kind of flares up now and then.And I use [blank] to
take some of the water out. And [every so often] I switch from the heavy androgens
to the lighter anabolics, like [blank and blank], 300 milligrams every other
day. Let's see, [blank], 200 milligrams a day. That helps you harden up your
physique, increase your vascularity. I take some [blank], which helps me harden,
and I keep my insulin the same and my growth hormone the same.

IM: Whew! Quite a laundry list!

BB: Well, you know there's also many other things, like [blank], which
keeps my gonadal system up and [blank] to boost my testosterone to make sure
I don't atrophy down there. Also, anti-estrogens and other compound factors
to combat the many side effects that I get.

IM: Have you ever noticed any
serious health problems that you think are related to this?

BB: I piss a lot of blood come contest time.

IM: But in the off-season you
feel pretty decent, even though you're taking all that stuff?

BB: Well, recently I started getting blood tests every two months.

IM: How about cholesterol count,
blood pressure and so forth? All that's pretty normal?

BB: No, everything is high. My blood pressure gets really high, and that
must be watched, especially when I take stimulants.

IM: It sounds as if you're on
pins and needles a lot of the time.

BB: If you gotta do it, you got no choice. You want to make a living
in this sport, that's what you gotta do.

IM: Race cars keep going faster
and faster and there are more crashes, but the drivers keep doing it, right?
What do you think your total drug bill is for the year?

BB: About $60,000, but it's going to be higher next year. Just this last
year I had to add [blank]. Right now it's the number-one bodybuilding "supplement"
in the competition ring. All these guys you see getting bigger, it's that. No
question. Two years ago...I don't want to take nothing from [blank], really
nice guy, nice family man, but physiquewise he was flat as a pancake. Now he's
bigger, 20 to 30 pounds heavier. It's all [from this stuff]. [Blank] is heavy
on it. Of course, we all are. I'm scared shitless.

IM: Are you guys pretty frank
with each other about what you're taking?

BB: Only with friends. I mean, I get questions in the gym all the time,
and I tell them I take [a popular protein powder]! Yeah, we talk.

IM: You don't feel you need to
keep secrets and maintain an edge?

BB: There are no secrets. There's one guy out there-I won't mention his
name-he's a top pro who helps out the other pros with their [blank] 'cause we
don't know how to do it, so we go to him. He helps us out.

IM: I know the old-timers say
there's no camaraderie in the sport anymore.

BB: Oh, there's some. But the only thing we talk about is-

IM: Drugs and training.
BB: We don't talk about training, because most of the guys-

IM: All train alike?
BB: Well, yeah. We don't train that hard. [Most of the guys] are half
asleep when they [work out].
Real champions like Haney, Yates,
Swarzeneger, Oliva and all the others, trained brutally hard!

IM: So it's mostly just the drugs.
The top guys really don't have an inkling how to train without them. Do you
think most of the top 10 guys are taking pretty much the same thing then?

BB: Yeah, they're all jabbing themselves just as much, but I think [winning]
has to do with your estrogen levels and your normal testosterone levels, your
receptor abilities and things like that. You know, it's a genetic thing. Some
people are more susceptible to steroids. Five milligrams might hit me differently
than it might hit you.

IM: I asked you this earlier,
and I know you said you think that it's just all part of the game, but aren't
you afraid that this will catch up with you later in life?

BB: I am. I don't think I'll be able to have children. My doctor told
me my sperm count is way too low. And my thyroid [is blown out].
That is most unfortunate.

IM: Do you feel that the sport
indirectly promotes the whole drug thing?

BB: Yeah, but then you have people saying that nobody makes us. But this
is our childhood dream. This is something we want to do, and for the most part
we don't have other jobs.

IM: Do you think this drug test
they had at the Olympia was a step in the right direction?

BB: It was a step in the right direction for the sport and probably a
step in the wrong direction for people's careers because I know four people
who [should have] tested positive. But we can beat the drug tests. Next year
if they want to get diuretics, that's fine. We'll use plasmics. It's fairly
simple. There's always exotic steroids."Let's change some molecule on the 17th
position, and it can't be detected." [Blank] still can't be detected.
I Disagree, drug test is a must. When real drug testing
is done ( not the thing they do right now in the Olympia ), things will come
upside down. Remember Olympic weightlifting. After the new drug tests, people
literally lifted half the weight they used to.

IM: This is the most eye-opening
interview I've ever had. I appreciate your opening up to me.

BB: You're welcome. It could be because I'm very low on carbohydrates.

IM: And you're pissed off.

BB: Yeah, you know the diuretic scene is very difficult. I'm back there
with my I.V. bag and heart monitor. It's just the situation. You take a person
and put him into a lab in a freak science experiment. Then you throw him on
stage, and you take him off to pump blood back into him. Is that a sport?The
training is pretty much beaten to death. In fact, your magazine for the natural
athletes is what I recommend. Professional bodybuilding [is about] drugs. Of
course, there's abuse in every professional sport-boxing, basketball, baseball,
I sincerely agree.

IM: How long do you think you
can keep at it? I mean at this pace?

BB: Well I've been on forÉoh God. I'll tell you right now, if
anybody's going to die next, it's going to be [blank]. He's too old to be messing
with [junk] like that. His pancreas I don't think is too good.There's a look
that you get. I can see it. [Blank, a top pro] is very ill. I understand what
he wants to do for the sport, and he can do some great things, but he's dying
and every contest he loses is a blow to him. He's killing himself literally
because he wants to make this sport better. Eventually he's either going to
win the contest or he's going to die.

IM: He's really playing Russian

BB: Yeah, he was using [blank] before any of us. I prefer his look back
[a few years]. He wasn't big but aesthetic-a pleasing physique. Something a
kid would look at and say, Hey, I would like to look like that. Now he should
be concentrating more on certain bodyparts, but instead his body is getting
bigger, his stomach, his head, everything.

IM: It's a scary look. Yes, the
body's getting bigger, but all the internal organs are getting large, bloated.

BB: They should have a contest for the biggest growth-hormone gut.

IM: Got anything else you want
to get off your chest?

BB: Yeah, you know I have a hard time thinking because of all the things
I'm on now. But they don't talk about how much drug [abuse] there is. And it's
not just the steroids. We've got to use speed and stuff like that. We have to
use a lot of diuretics, things that aren't too healthy, and they don't feel
good. Lots of guys are using cocaine-not just because they like it, but it helps
you get cut up, it helps you not eat.With drugs there's use and abuse. But at
our level I feel we're getting exploited, you know? They pump us full of drugs...or
we pump ourselves full of drugs to make ourselves look like freaks, and we get
on stage and that's our job. But we don't get paid hardly anything. The guy
who uses our pictures, the supplement companies, make all the money, and they
don't give us nothing. If it wasn't for our picture, they wouldn't have nothing
to promote.

IM: Yeah, and you gotta keep risking
your life to try to make a few bucks winning a show.

BB: I'll tell you what: [Some] of the guys, like [blank], are gay prostitutes.

IM: Think so?
BB: I know so. That's how they can afford all those drugs. That's definite.
Of course [certain people in] the gay community are going to walk up and say,
Hey, we'll give you so much to have sex. That's just like a straight guy walking
up to Cindy Crawford and saying it. But for us it's a way to make a good $10,000
a month. It helps with our drug bill and sometimes they just give us drugs for
the act.

IM: When you think about it, you
guys can't make much money.

BB: There's not much money in the contracts. Especially with the drugs,
the living, the food. You have to sacrifice your-

IM: Integrity?
BB: Yeah, your integrity, your pride. It's all a sacrifice. The drugs,
the prostitution. These guys don't want to do that. They have to look in the
mirror. They know they're sacrificing what makes them a man.And all this crap
you see about carb loading and sodium. Bunch of shit.

IM: So you don't think they actually
do sodium loading? It's all just drugs?

BB: Precontest every once in a while you catch a guy in McDonald's or
eating pizza. You can do that kind of thing-of course, in moderation.

IM: But you're a pretty heavy
supplement user?

BB: I don't use supplements at all! No vitamins, nothing.

IM: You don't think that vitamins
and minerals would help protect you somewhat from all the drugs?

BB: Yeah, but-

IM: You've got put your money
where it's going to be the most effective, right? On drugs.

BB: Right. I'd like to see a $1 million prize [for a bodybuilding contest].
That's something else that would help the sport. If there's a decent amount
of money in there, it would be something people would watch. Unfortunately,
I think people want to see the freaks at this point. Really big mothers up there.
It's like you said, you really can't go backwards. I guess you have to let [it]
self-destruct and see what happens.

IM: I don't want to see any of
you guys die.

BB: We will. I guarantee you. You're going to see lots of guys dying
in the next few years.

IM: I hope the drug test is a
step in the right direction, and maybe they'll start judging for more aesthetic
physiques. If they did backtrack to more of the Bob Paris look, I think it would

BB: Is that ever going to happen?

IM: How much longer do you think
you're going to go on with it?

BB: Till I reach my goal. Or it beats me.
The second will happen, most likely.

IM: Have you ever experienced
any kind of depression or rage?

BB: Oh, yeah. Beaten many peopleÉgot out of hand. I feel bad about

IM: Having all that coursing through
your system has to do something to you mentally.

BB: Well, besides that, you feel a lump here, and you feel scared, and
you don't know what's going on.

IM: Do you get checked by a doctor

BB: I get the blood tests, and he reads it. It's foreign to me. I just
ask how much longer do I have to live, what am I doing wrong?

IM: But he doesn't do any MRIs
on you? It's just basically a blood test?

BB: No. He checks my thyroid, sperm count. Of course, I'm never going
to be able to have children.

IM: Perhaps some of this will
reverse itself once you-

BB: No, I have irreversible damage.

IM: That's really sad.
BB: I think it happened last year. When I upped everything, I shut my
thyroid down. And if I go off the [blank], I'm going to get fat. I'm going to
stay on the stuff permanently. If I go off, I'm going to rebound. None of these
guys go off. It's just nonstop. These guys do what it takes.Don't you see that
they're exploiting us? They're selling us. They're pumping us up, putting us
on stage, throwing us off, and they're collecting the money. And we're back
there rolling around in death.In the process they will make money. Sell ourselves.
Sell our souls, and we don't get much. And even if you take the drugs, it's
no guarantee you're going to win. You have to have something going on there.
But [the people who run this sport] say, Keep it going, keep it going. And watch
their wallets getting bigger. They don't care.
It is a big business today.

IM: But you did say looking like
that helps you with women?

BB: That makes it a little worthwhile, but I never had any problem with
the bitches. I got plenty before. Now I'm bigger, so I get a lot more. But you
also get the bad-that includes harassment from the homos.I want to say for the
guys who want to take their physiques to a [higher level], weight training,
eating right and exercising will help you achieve your goals. What's big to
you may be small compared to a pro, but like I said, Lee Labrada will look huge
to a lot of guys. So you can attain your goals, get bigger, get better with
the women, look good. You may not win Mr. Olympia, but you can still have something
to be proud of [without the drugs].[Competitive bodybuilding, for the most part]
is all chemistry. It's chemical warfare. Andreas Munzer had something we never
had. All those striations and [blank] drugs, but look what it did to him. He
died by the sword. And [blank] pocketed everything Andreas ever did.We have
to deal with the rat race and the counterfeit steroids. All these guys saying,
Yeah, I fell down and broke my arm. That's not true. That's the dealer breaking
their arms because they didn't pay for their shipment of growth hormone.

IM: You say you go to Mexico for
a lot of this stuff?

BB: Yeah, I go to Mexico. The European tour is where most of us get our
drugs.[Switches subjects again] You don't need drug testing. Just a Lee Labrada.
It didn't take a ton [of drugs] to do that. Pick that, and there you go. All
the other guys will have to trim down to look like that.

IM: Go for the aesthetic physique.
That's one of the big steps they have to take. By the way, isn't there a drug
that you can inject directly into the muscle to blow it up?

BB: Oh, yeah, [blank]. Use that for my peak on my biceps. [Blank] uses
it everywhere-80 to 100 shots. Tell you right now it hurts like hell. But it's
hard to predict. It may look good five days before the show, then it lumps out
and you'll get guys with the real lumpy, weird-looking biceps.This whole sport
is about being a bitch. You gotta be a bitch to pay your bills. You gotta be
a bitch to win. That's what it's all about. Total exploitation. I'd like the
athletes to make a little more money. All these magazines talk about how much
Michael Jordan and Mike Tyson make. They don't talk about how much we make,
'cause it's disgraceful. What am I going to do? Sell pictures of myself?

IM: Do a lot of the guys sell
drugs on the side?

BB: Oh, yeah. I've done that myself. Now it's a lot harder.
A drug dealer too.

IM: So what else? Is there's anything
you can think of that you're really pissed off about.

BB: Well, I'm pissed off that we have to use this amount of drugs. I
was happier with my physique last year. [They want us] in the 270-pound range.

IM: Don't you think the magazines
are a little at fault too?

BB: Yeah, they are. They don't print nothing about the drug regimen.
They're selling fake dreams to kids: Take this protein powder, and you're going
to look like that. And it ain't true. Drugs play a predominant role, and most
of the [champions'] training articles lead to overtraining. You know that. And
unless you're on steroids, you're going to end up unhappy and lose your dream.

Absolutely true.

IM: I guess it's a vicious cycle.

BB: The insulin's very dangerous. I'm feeling it right now. I'm getting
real tired, headaches, weakness. I breathe hard. Not a good drug to take.

IM: What's the danger with the
insulin? It's a hormone, so what's the big problem?

BB: You can die right there. I mean, there isn't one of us who hasn't
been in shock. You really don't know.

IM: Have you ever had to go to
the hospital because of it?

BB: I've been in the hospital a few times, yeah. They had to use half
a bag of glucose intravenously to keep me going. I didn't have any glucose in
my liver, because I did too much insulin. My brain was starved, and I was beginning
to fall asleep, go into a coma. It's the most painful feeling you'll ever feel.
During that time your mind's going nuts.What am I getting out of all this? A
cover picture? That won't pay the bills. Maybe they should start giving back
to the athletes instead of taking. If they're gonna make it where we have to
be bigger, we should get something out of it. Golfers make more money than we
do. I saw how much they make at these rodeos too. They collect $50,000 for riding
some damn bull. They don't have to take drugs to do that.

IM: The danger's there for eight
seconds, then they're out of there. You guys have danger all year long.

BB: Yeah it's dangerous.

IM: To say the least.

This is the end
of the interview. Read on for more comments of mine.

My other comments

Well, have
you freaked yet ?. I personally have, not that I didn't know what competitive
bodybuilding was all about, but I didn't expect such stupidity.

  • That the pros
    are taking a lot of drugs
    is a known fact.

  • Their training
    is drug assisted and for a drug free bodybuilder leeds to severe overtraining
    This is known too.

  • That Federations
    steroid drugs are synonymous

    is also known.

  • Sudden deaths of bodybuilders
    due to drug abuse and diuretics are getting a common thing.

  • HGH is the least a pro bodybuilder,
    not to say a top amateur too, is taking. It is like protein, so common. Today's
    bodybuilders can't even pull a vacuum due to this. Their buts are getting
    monstrous, their abs are so developed that they seem to be pregnant and their
    waistline is so thick !. That is not aesthetic in my opinion.

  • If they want to be over with
    drug abuse it is not so difficult. For start, demand monster muscle mass and
    a tiny waistline. Get big buts out of bodybuilding. Yep these will do. HGH
    will be out, for start.

  • Great gains can come without
    steroids, but they need hard and smart training plus time, although 270 pounds
    4-5% BF without drugs seem to me impossible.

  • This guy if he does all that
    he says, is gonna die.

  • Expect a lot
    of ex-pro bodybuilders to die in the next years
  • Supplement industry is a big
    business today and the supplements companies are greedy bastards.

  • Magazines, supplement
    companies etc., do sell fake dreams to kids
    They are responsible for the downfall of competitive bodybuilding. Once upon
    a time there were champions like Arnold, Sergio, Franco and all the others,
    not to mention Steve Reaves and John Grimek, that had really nice physiques.
    Today's bodybuilders are just urghhhhh.

  • Grimek lived up to 87. How long
    do you think today's pros will live ?

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MessageSujet: Re: Dopage   Dopage - Page 3 EmptyDim 27 Nov - 14:12

FLEX: physiquement , où en êtes-vous en ce moment ?

Mike Matarazzo:

J'ai subi deux rechutes . A un certain moment , j'ai eu du liquide dans
les poumons et je me sens encore complétement a plat . Cela mis a part ,
j'ai recommencé a conduire, je cours 5 à 6 kilomètres par jour sur un
tapis de jogging, je fais du sac de boxe et je viens tout juste de
reprendre la musculation avec des chrges très légères et des séries
ultra longues.

Mon chirurgien m'a prévenu qu'il me faudrait au moins un an avant de
recouvrer mes capacités à 100%. Pour l'instant, je suis très limité et
je n'ai pas besoin d'un médecin pour m'en rendre compte. Je sens des
brûlures intenses et de violentes douleurs au niveau de la poitrine et
des épaules, et j'entends encore des craquements dans ma cage
thoracique: je dois donc faire attention . Au quotidien, cela m'agace,
parce que je voudrais en faire plus, mais je suis aussi conscient qu'il y
a un problème: c'est donc une situation difficile à gérer
psychologiquement .

La Peur?

C'est ça le plus difficile. Avant je ne songeais jamais a la mort ni
même aux blessures. J'avais toujours pensé que je vieillirais bien,
comme tous les autres menbres de ma famille ; je croyais aussi que mon
mode de vie de bodybuilder me permettrait de rester en forme et actif
bien plus longtemps que la moyenne.

Avec toutes ces épreuves , on commence a douter de soi et il se trouve
que je suis pessimiste de nature. J'ai tendance a me focaliser sur ce
qui va mal . A la mis mars , je me suis rendu chez mon chirurgien et je
lui ai demandé ?"Docteur, est ce qu'il va falloir que je continue a voir
un médecin jusqu'a ma mort, ou est ce que je peux me permettre de
continuer de vivre comme avant?"

Il m'a regardé et m'a répondu sans détour " Mike, ce n'était pas uns
simple opération de l'appendicite. Je sais qu'en ce moment , vous vous
sentez bien , et pourtant , vous devrez bel et bien continuer a
consulter un médecin pour le restant de vos jours .

Vous serez sous médicaments toute votre vie. Tous les six moi et jusqu'a
votre mort, vous devrez subir un test d'effort et faire faire un
électrocardiogramme une fois par an. "ce sont des mots qui jusque là
m'étaient totalement étrangers

Ces mots seuls m'on complétement déprimé. J'ai maintenant l'impression
d'être en laisse . Je dois demander régulièrement a quelqu'un d'autre de
vérifier si ce que je considérais avant comme étant en bon état n'a pas
dorénavant besoin de réparation ...

Cela m'a probablement coûté 20 ans d'espérance de vie . Aucune somme d'argent au monde ne mérite un tel sacrifice

FLEX; Que conseilleriez vous dans ce domaine à ceux qui ont encore une seconde chance ?


De laisser tomber. Une poignée de gens seulement sur cette terre
arrivent à avoir des revenus à peine suffisants grâce au bodybuilding.
Il se trouve que j'ai été un de ceux là pendant quinze ans , mais cela
m'a probablement coûté 20 ans d'espérance de vie . Aucune somme d'argent
au monde ne mérite un tel sacrifice. Je préférerais revenir en arrière ,
travailler dans un bureau et vivre jusqu'à un âge avancé comme mon
grand père.

On ne peut pas jouer avec ces substances et en sortir indemme : c'est
absolument inconvenable. De plus j'étais plujtôt modéré dans mon
approche; J'ai eu l'occasion d'expérimenter d'avantage de produits
chimique sur moi , mais je ne l'ai pas fait: cela ne m'a pas empéché de
bousiller mon corps ! Je n'ai jamais essayer l'insuline , mais aujourdui
mes camarades s'injectent ce produit comme si c'était de l'eau.
Certains prennent une dose a chaque repas . C'est du délire ça peut vous
détruire, vous ou quelqu'un d'autre: c'est un coup de poker! J'ai parié
et j'ai tout perdu. Physiquement je suis complétement limité.
Financièrement , je suis presque ruiné. Sur le plan émotionnel , cela a
fait de moi-dont la seule peur était de perdre mes parents - quelqu'un
qui redoute la moindre petite douleur, la plus infime souffrance.

J'ai peur de ne pas revoir le soleil se lever et de ne plus vivre une
nouvelle journée de rire avec ma fiancée, Lacy Porter , ou de ne pas
connaître le bonheur de l'épouser au mois d'août - tous ces petits
moments que la plupart des gens considèrent comme allant de soi. Cela me

Cet accident a boulversé toute ma vie ; c'est pourquoi je souhaite
déclarer a tous ceux qui cherchent sans cesse à obtenir des bras de 53
cm ou des mollets de 50 cm et qui sont si fier de leur jusqu'au boutisme
: "Voyez les chôses autrement" Prenez le plus grand soin de votre
santé, car votre corps ne dois pas seulement durer jusqu'au concours
suivant ou jusqu'a la fin de votre contrat de bodybuilding , mais
beaucoup plus longtemps. Et longtemps pour un être humain , cela ne
représente pas grand chose. La vie passe très vite, d'autant plus vite
que quand on est pas en bonne santé et qu'on a rien a quoi se

FLEX;Y a t'il actuellement un brin d'optimisme dans votre vie


Oui je ne suis pas mort. Cela mis à part je vis au jour le jour. Je ne
peux faire aucun projet parce que je dois m'occuper de tout ce qui m'est
tombé dessus cette année. Cela m'a laminé et j'en ai encore pour des
mois à gérer cet imbroglio.

J'ai 38 ans mais quand la santé commence a vous lâcher , le temps joue contre vous .

FLEX; Est-ce qu'il vous reste un peu de confiance en vous ?


Toute ma vie ma confiance en moi est venue de mon physique. J'étais
boxeur et cela m'a permis de m'affirmer. Quand je suis devenu
bodybuilder, le simple fait de monter sur scène , d'aller à la salle, de
me mesurer a moi même et de me dépasser au-delà de ce que je pensais
possible a renforcer ma confiance. mais même avec un mental très
puissant, quand la physique est défaillant et qu'on se regarde dans le
miroir avec l'état d'esprit qui est le mien actuellement , on est
anéanti. Il faut du temps , mais ça commence à aller mieux.

FLEX; Le physique représente l'effet , non la cause. C'est avant tout
une force sous-jacente qui vous a permis de donner cet aspect à votre


C'est exactement ce que je pense: D'où me vient cet élan qui m'a poussé à agir ainsi ou a me transformer physiquement?

Cela provient forcément de l'intérieur et cette force ne m'a pas quitté .
Bien souvent quand j'était à l'hôpital, j'entendais cette petite voix
dans ma tête qui me répétait "Reprends-toi. Sors de là"

FLEX; Vos fans vous apportent un énorme soutient.


Je tiens a déclarer ceci du fond du coeur: Je ne remercierai jamais
assez mes admirateurs pour leurs cartes, lettres et message de prompt
rétablissement, et tout particulièrement ceus que se sont éfforcé de
m'aider financièrement. Cela a été incroyable. C'est vraiment touchant
ces personnes qui ont peu d'argent er qui réunissent tout ce qu'ils
peuvent afin de me l'envoyer.

J'ai reçu des lettres de soldats qui touchent une solde peu élevée et
qui m'on envoyé 10 o 12 s. C'est vraiment fabuleux et c'est super quand
ils m'avouent qu'ils suivent ma carrière dans FLEX depuis 1991. Ils
m'écrivent "Pour nous , vous n'êtes pas juste un bon bodybuilder". Quel
bonheur de voir tous ces gens qui se souviennent de moi. Cela m'a
souvent fait venir les larmes aux yeux.

Je dois avouer que je ressens véritablement de l'amour et de l'affection
pour toutes ces personne qui m'ont gardé dans leurs pensées et leurs
prières, et j'espére qu'ils vont continuer. Cela me remonte
formidablement le moral. Je souhaite tout simplement leur dire à tous un
très grand merci.
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Messages : 6000
Date d'inscription : 20/11/2010
Age : 41
Localisation : Avignon

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MessageSujet: Re: Dopage   Dopage - Page 3 EmptyDim 27 Nov - 17:34

Christo10 a écrit:
The State of Competitive

The Most Shocking Bodybuilding Interview Ever (IRONMAN, February

by Steve Holman
Comments in blue are mine.

Warning:This is
an extremely controversial interview. To be honest, we almost decided not to
print it; however, because IRONMAN has always been an open forum, going to great
lengths to tell the whole truth, we felt it was our responsibility to the sport
and to you, the reader, to allow this athlete to speak his mind.
It took a lot of courage for this man to stand up and tell
it like it is, and we are keeping him anonymous to protect his status as a professional
bodybuilder. We're inserting [blanks] in place of names to help protect his
identity-no process of elimination to narrow down the field-and also in place
of drug names, so drug-using bodybuilders don't get any inadvertent "help" with
their drug programs.
Keep in mind that we paid this man nothing because we feel
money can only corrupt the information. When people are paid a high sum, they
feel as if they have to give the interviewer his or her money's worth, and that
can result in exaggeration.
As you read this, remember that this athlete came to us because,
like us, he loves bodybuilding and wants to see it prosper, not die a painful
drug-induced death.
Fasten your seatbelts. This dose of reality is going to open
your eyes like nothing ever printed in this or any other bodybuilding magazine.

IM: You want to get some things
off your chest. You have the bodybuilding world's ear. What is it you want to
talk about?

BB: Well, you know, most of the things nobody wants to talk about. I
want to let everybody know how it really is.

IM: How it is with the drugs?

BB: Damn right!

IM: You're having to take too
many, correct?

BB: Way too many, man.

IM: What kind of drug bill are
we talking about?

BB: Well, growth hormone alone costs you $30,000 a year.
That is absolutely true, HGH costs a lot of money.

IM: Good lord!
BB: And steroids, that's not a really big problem. I use a lot, but you
can get it cheap. Mostly you gotta pay people to tell you how to use them. The
growth hormone, IGF-IÉ.

IM: And just the thought of putting
all that in your body all at one time-that's gotta take its toll on you mentally

BB: Well, I don't mind a little bit, because I do like big arms, big
back, big chest and legs and everything. But when it comes to the point where
I'm as big as I want to get-

IM: They tell you that you have
to get bigger, right?

BB: Yeah, I don't have a choice. I'm gonna be bigger. Next year you're
going to see me 24 pounds heavier.You know it's the whole mind-set that you
gotta get bigger and sacrifice your shape. I may not like the way my back looks.
I mean, I've got improvements to make, obviously. But those things come with
time. Maturing into a physique is nice, but they want a monster.

IM: Do you think it can ever stop?
I mean, if people keep getting bigger, what's going to happen to the sport?

BB: Well, the sport is already-

IM: Out of control?
BB: Yeah. It's an underground sport. It's [a cult that] likes to see
the freaky mass monsters....They really don't care. They just say, Whatever
it takes to do that, that's what we want to see. But I think a lot of people
want to see something that's somewhat attainable.

IM: Do you think the size of the
competitors has caused the people to be a little blast about it all? Like: Well,
they're just going to have to do what it takes. We don't care; if they die,
they die. We want to see 'em bigger, and we want to see 'em better.

BB: That's right. They want us to do it, and the judges want to see something
bigger. In order for us to make a living and live our dreams, we gotta do whatever
it takes, you know? You got guys like [blank, a bodybuilding columnist for another
magazine] saying, "Well, nobody's making you." I guess nobody is, but a lot
of us [have] this dream of being the best of the built.
Best of Roid built.

IM: Absolutely. And it's a performance
thing too. It's gratifying to be on stage. What do you think is a solution here?
Do you think there is one at this point?

BB: Well, it's hard to say. Once you've seen extreme physique development,
how are you going to train the eye of the audience to accept something less?
You can practically see [some of these guys'] lungs when they do rear lat spreads.
You just gotta accept something less. By the way, before I go on, let me tell
you right now, there's a lot of things in your hands.

IM: I understand. Your identity
is completely confidential, I promise you that. We'll just say you're a top
pro. That's all.

BB: Right. Okay. Ask anything.

IM: Do you think part of the solution
is for the judges to start rewarding a more aesthetic physique?

BB: That would be the only way the sport would go into a positive direction.
Like Bob Paris.

IM: Right, if Bob Paris came back.
I think the problem is you have to have an eye for that type of physique, and
the general public and most bodybuilding fans don't have it, so they look at
size as the top criterion for victory.

BB: I think there's a certain presence, an aura to a really complete
physique like Lee Labrada's, rather than someone who's just grotesque.

IM: Getting back to the whole
drug thing, do you have to stay on the drugs year-round?

BB: Yes. I haven't gone off at all for years.

IM: You have to inject, what,
three to four times a week?

BB: Every day.

IM: Every day you have to inject
something into your body?

BB: Yeah. Every day. Let me go over my stack.[He rattles off a list of
injectibles and orals that's so long, my jaw hits the desk.]

IM: This is just off-season?

BB: Yeah. And of course I like to use [blank] that blocks estrogen and
also increases testosterone levels. Also [blank] four times a day in the off-season
to allow me to eat more calories. I also take half a tablet of [blank], which
works better synergistically with growth hormone. Six weeks or so out I start
taking some [blank] to stop some of the gyno. I did have to have it removed
a few years back, but it kind of flares up now and then.And I use [blank] to
take some of the water out. And [every so often] I switch from the heavy androgens
to the lighter anabolics, like [blank and blank], 300 milligrams every other
day. Let's see, [blank], 200 milligrams a day. That helps you harden up your
physique, increase your vascularity. I take some [blank], which helps me harden,
and I keep my insulin the same and my growth hormone the same.

IM: Whew! Quite a laundry list!

BB: Well, you know there's also many other things, like [blank], which
keeps my gonadal system up and [blank] to boost my testosterone to make sure
I don't atrophy down there. Also, anti-estrogens and other compound factors
to combat the many side effects that I get.

IM: Have you ever noticed any
serious health problems that you think are related to this?

BB: I piss a lot of blood come contest time.

IM: But in the off-season you
feel pretty decent, even though you're taking all that stuff?

BB: Well, recently I started getting blood tests every two months.

IM: How about cholesterol count,
blood pressure and so forth? All that's pretty normal?

BB: No, everything is high. My blood pressure gets really high, and that
must be watched, especially when I take stimulants.

IM: It sounds as if you're on
pins and needles a lot of the time.

BB: If you gotta do it, you got no choice. You want to make a living
in this sport, that's what you gotta do.

IM: Race cars keep going faster
and faster and there are more crashes, but the drivers keep doing it, right?
What do you think your total drug bill is for the year?

BB: About $60,000, but it's going to be higher next year. Just this last
year I had to add [blank]. Right now it's the number-one bodybuilding "supplement"
in the competition ring. All these guys you see getting bigger, it's that. No
question. Two years ago...I don't want to take nothing from [blank], really
nice guy, nice family man, but physiquewise he was flat as a pancake. Now he's
bigger, 20 to 30 pounds heavier. It's all [from this stuff]. [Blank] is heavy
on it. Of course, we all are. I'm scared shitless.

IM: Are you guys pretty frank
with each other about what you're taking?

BB: Only with friends. I mean, I get questions in the gym all the time,
and I tell them I take [a popular protein powder]! Yeah, we talk.

IM: You don't feel you need to
keep secrets and maintain an edge?

BB: There are no secrets. There's one guy out there-I won't mention his
name-he's a top pro who helps out the other pros with their [blank] 'cause we
don't know how to do it, so we go to him. He helps us out.

IM: I know the old-timers say
there's no camaraderie in the sport anymore.

BB: Oh, there's some. But the only thing we talk about is-

IM: Drugs and training.
BB: We don't talk about training, because most of the guys-

IM: All train alike?
BB: Well, yeah. We don't train that hard. [Most of the guys] are half
asleep when they [work out].
Real champions like Haney, Yates,
Swarzeneger, Oliva and all the others, trained brutally hard!

IM: So it's mostly just the drugs.
The top guys really don't have an inkling how to train without them. Do you
think most of the top 10 guys are taking pretty much the same thing then?

BB: Yeah, they're all jabbing themselves just as much, but I think [winning]
has to do with your estrogen levels and your normal testosterone levels, your
receptor abilities and things like that. You know, it's a genetic thing. Some
people are more susceptible to steroids. Five milligrams might hit me differently
than it might hit you.

IM: I asked you this earlier,
and I know you said you think that it's just all part of the game, but aren't
you afraid that this will catch up with you later in life?

BB: I am. I don't think I'll be able to have children. My doctor told
me my sperm count is way too low. And my thyroid [is blown out].
That is most unfortunate.

IM: Do you feel that the sport
indirectly promotes the whole drug thing?

BB: Yeah, but then you have people saying that nobody makes us. But this
is our childhood dream. This is something we want to do, and for the most part
we don't have other jobs.

IM: Do you think this drug test
they had at the Olympia was a step in the right direction?

BB: It was a step in the right direction for the sport and probably a
step in the wrong direction for people's careers because I know four people
who [should have] tested positive. But we can beat the drug tests. Next year
if they want to get diuretics, that's fine. We'll use plasmics. It's fairly
simple. There's always exotic steroids."Let's change some molecule on the 17th
position, and it can't be detected." [Blank] still can't be detected.
I Disagree, drug test is a must. When real drug testing
is done ( not the thing they do right now in the Olympia ), things will come
upside down. Remember Olympic weightlifting. After the new drug tests, people
literally lifted half the weight they used to.

IM: This is the most eye-opening
interview I've ever had. I appreciate your opening up to me.

BB: You're welcome. It could be because I'm very low on carbohydrates.

IM: And you're pissed off.

BB: Yeah, you know the diuretic scene is very difficult. I'm back there
with my I.V. bag and heart monitor. It's just the situation. You take a person
and put him into a lab in a freak science experiment. Then you throw him on
stage, and you take him off to pump blood back into him. Is that a sport?The
training is pretty much beaten to death. In fact, your magazine for the natural
athletes is what I recommend. Professional bodybuilding [is about] drugs. Of
course, there's abuse in every professional sport-boxing, basketball, baseball,
I sincerely agree.

IM: How long do you think you
can keep at it? I mean at this pace?

BB: Well I've been on forÉoh God. I'll tell you right now, if
anybody's going to die next, it's going to be [blank]. He's too old to be messing
with [junk] like that. His pancreas I don't think is too good.There's a look
that you get. I can see it. [Blank, a top pro] is very ill. I understand what
he wants to do for the sport, and he can do some great things, but he's dying
and every contest he loses is a blow to him. He's killing himself literally
because he wants to make this sport better. Eventually he's either going to
win the contest or he's going to die.

IM: He's really playing Russian

BB: Yeah, he was using [blank] before any of us. I prefer his look back
[a few years]. He wasn't big but aesthetic-a pleasing physique. Something a
kid would look at and say, Hey, I would like to look like that. Now he should
be concentrating more on certain bodyparts, but instead his body is getting
bigger, his stomach, his head, everything.

IM: It's a scary look. Yes, the
body's getting bigger, but all the internal organs are getting large, bloated.

BB: They should have a contest for the biggest growth-hormone gut.

IM: Got anything else you want
to get off your chest?

BB: Yeah, you know I have a hard time thinking because of all the things
I'm on now. But they don't talk about how much drug [abuse] there is. And it's
not just the steroids. We've got to use speed and stuff like that. We have to
use a lot of diuretics, things that aren't too healthy, and they don't feel
good. Lots of guys are using cocaine-not just because they like it, but it helps
you get cut up, it helps you not eat.With drugs there's use and abuse. But at
our level I feel we're getting exploited, you know? They pump us full of drugs...or
we pump ourselves full of drugs to make ourselves look like freaks, and we get
on stage and that's our job. But we don't get paid hardly anything. The guy
who uses our pictures, the supplement companies, make all the money, and they
don't give us nothing. If it wasn't for our picture, they wouldn't have nothing
to promote.

IM: Yeah, and you gotta keep risking
your life to try to make a few bucks winning a show.

BB: I'll tell you what: [Some] of the guys, like [blank], are gay prostitutes.

IM: Think so?
BB: I know so. That's how they can afford all those drugs. That's definite.
Of course [certain people in] the gay community are going to walk up and say,
Hey, we'll give you so much to have sex. That's just like a straight guy walking
up to Cindy Crawford and saying it. But for us it's a way to make a good $10,000
a month. It helps with our drug bill and sometimes they just give us drugs for
the act.

IM: When you think about it, you
guys can't make much money.

BB: There's not much money in the contracts. Especially with the drugs,
the living, the food. You have to sacrifice your-

IM: Integrity?
BB: Yeah, your integrity, your pride. It's all a sacrifice. The drugs,
the prostitution. These guys don't want to do that. They have to look in the
mirror. They know they're sacrificing what makes them a man.And all this crap
you see about carb loading and sodium. Bunch of shit.

IM: So you don't think they actually
do sodium loading? It's all just drugs?

BB: Precontest every once in a while you catch a guy in McDonald's or
eating pizza. You can do that kind of thing-of course, in moderation.

IM: But you're a pretty heavy
supplement user?

BB: I don't use supplements at all! No vitamins, nothing.

IM: You don't think that vitamins
and minerals would help protect you somewhat from all the drugs?

BB: Yeah, but-

IM: You've got put your money
where it's going to be the most effective, right? On drugs.

BB: Right. I'd like to see a $1 million prize [for a bodybuilding contest].
That's something else that would help the sport. If there's a decent amount
of money in there, it would be something people would watch. Unfortunately,
I think people want to see the freaks at this point. Really big mothers up there.
It's like you said, you really can't go backwards. I guess you have to let [it]
self-destruct and see what happens.

IM: I don't want to see any of
you guys die.

BB: We will. I guarantee you. You're going to see lots of guys dying
in the next few years.

IM: I hope the drug test is a
step in the right direction, and maybe they'll start judging for more aesthetic
physiques. If they did backtrack to more of the Bob Paris look, I think it would

BB: Is that ever going to happen?

IM: How much longer do you think
you're going to go on with it?

BB: Till I reach my goal. Or it beats me.
The second will happen, most likely.

IM: Have you ever experienced
any kind of depression or rage?

BB: Oh, yeah. Beaten many peopleÉgot out of hand. I feel bad about

IM: Having all that coursing through
your system has to do something to you mentally.

BB: Well, besides that, you feel a lump here, and you feel scared, and
you don't know what's going on.

IM: Do you get checked by a doctor

BB: I get the blood tests, and he reads it. It's foreign to me. I just
ask how much longer do I have to live, what am I doing wrong?

IM: But he doesn't do any MRIs
on you? It's just basically a blood test?

BB: No. He checks my thyroid, sperm count. Of course, I'm never going
to be able to have children.

IM: Perhaps some of this will
reverse itself once you-

BB: No, I have irreversible damage.

IM: That's really sad.
BB: I think it happened last year. When I upped everything, I shut my
thyroid down. And if I go off the [blank], I'm going to get fat. I'm going to
stay on the stuff permanently. If I go off, I'm going to rebound. None of these
guys go off. It's just nonstop. These guys do what it takes.Don't you see that
they're exploiting us? They're selling us. They're pumping us up, putting us
on stage, throwing us off, and they're collecting the money. And we're back
there rolling around in death.In the process they will make money. Sell ourselves.
Sell our souls, and we don't get much. And even if you take the drugs, it's
no guarantee you're going to win. You have to have something going on there.
But [the people who run this sport] say, Keep it going, keep it going. And watch
their wallets getting bigger. They don't care.
It is a big business today.

IM: But you did say looking like
that helps you with women?

BB: That makes it a little worthwhile, but I never had any problem with
the bitches. I got plenty before. Now I'm bigger, so I get a lot more. But you
also get the bad-that includes harassment from the homos.I want to say for the
guys who want to take their physiques to a [higher level], weight training,
eating right and exercising will help you achieve your goals. What's big to
you may be small compared to a pro, but like I said, Lee Labrada will look huge
to a lot of guys. So you can attain your goals, get bigger, get better with
the women, look good. You may not win Mr. Olympia, but you can still have something
to be proud of [without the drugs].[Competitive bodybuilding, for the most part]
is all chemistry. It's chemical warfare. Andreas Munzer had something we never
had. All those striations and [blank] drugs, but look what it did to him. He
died by the sword. And [blank] pocketed everything Andreas ever did.We have
to deal with the rat race and the counterfeit steroids. All these guys saying,
Yeah, I fell down and broke my arm. That's not true. That's the dealer breaking
their arms because they didn't pay for their shipment of growth hormone.

IM: You say you go to Mexico for
a lot of this stuff?

BB: Yeah, I go to Mexico. The European tour is where most of us get our
drugs.[Switches subjects again] You don't need drug testing. Just a Lee Labrada.
It didn't take a ton [of drugs] to do that. Pick that, and there you go. All
the other guys will have to trim down to look like that.

IM: Go for the aesthetic physique.
That's one of the big steps they have to take. By the way, isn't there a drug
that you can inject directly into the muscle to blow it up?

BB: Oh, yeah, [blank]. Use that for my peak on my biceps. [Blank] uses
it everywhere-80 to 100 shots. Tell you right now it hurts like hell. But it's
hard to predict. It may look good five days before the show, then it lumps out
and you'll get guys with the real lumpy, weird-looking biceps.This whole sport
is about being a bitch. You gotta be a bitch to pay your bills. You gotta be
a bitch to win. That's what it's all about. Total exploitation. I'd like the
athletes to make a little more money. All these magazines talk about how much
Michael Jordan and Mike Tyson make. They don't talk about how much we make,
'cause it's disgraceful. What am I going to do? Sell pictures of myself?

IM: Do a lot of the guys sell
drugs on the side?

BB: Oh, yeah. I've done that myself. Now it's a lot harder.
A drug dealer too.

IM: So what else? Is there's anything
you can think of that you're really pissed off about.

BB: Well, I'm pissed off that we have to use this amount of drugs. I
was happier with my physique last year. [They want us] in the 270-pound range.

IM: Don't you think the magazines
are a little at fault too?

BB: Yeah, they are. They don't print nothing about the drug regimen.
They're selling fake dreams to kids: Take this protein powder, and you're going
to look like that. And it ain't true. Drugs play a predominant role, and most
of the [champions'] training articles lead to overtraining. You know that. And
unless you're on steroids, you're going to end up unhappy and lose your dream.

Absolutely true.

IM: I guess it's a vicious cycle.

BB: The insulin's very dangerous. I'm feeling it right now. I'm getting
real tired, headaches, weakness. I breathe hard. Not a good drug to take.

IM: What's the danger with the
insulin? It's a hormone, so what's the big problem?

BB: You can die right there. I mean, there isn't one of us who hasn't
been in shock. You really don't know.

IM: Have you ever had to go to
the hospital because of it?

BB: I've been in the hospital a few times, yeah. They had to use half
a bag of glucose intravenously to keep me going. I didn't have any glucose in
my liver, because I did too much insulin. My brain was starved, and I was beginning
to fall asleep, go into a coma. It's the most painful feeling you'll ever feel.
During that time your mind's going nuts.What am I getting out of all this? A
cover picture? That won't pay the bills. Maybe they should start giving back
to the athletes instead of taking. If they're gonna make it where we have to
be bigger, we should get something out of it. Golfers make more money than we
do. I saw how much they make at these rodeos too. They collect $50,000 for riding
some damn bull. They don't have to take drugs to do that.

IM: The danger's there for eight
seconds, then they're out of there. You guys have danger all year long.

BB: Yeah it's dangerous.

IM: To say the least.

This is the end
of the interview. Read on for more comments of mine.

My other comments

Well, have
you freaked yet ?. I personally have, not that I didn't know what competitive
bodybuilding was all about, but I didn't expect such stupidity.

  • That the pros
    are taking a lot of drugs
    is a known fact.

  • Their training
    is drug assisted and for a drug free bodybuilder leeds to severe overtraining
    This is known too.

  • That Federations
    steroid drugs are synonymous

    is also known.

  • Sudden deaths of bodybuilders
    due to drug abuse and diuretics are getting a common thing.

  • HGH is the least a pro bodybuilder,
    not to say a top amateur too, is taking. It is like protein, so common. Today's
    bodybuilders can't even pull a vacuum due to this. Their buts are getting
    monstrous, their abs are so developed that they seem to be pregnant and their
    waistline is so thick !. That is not aesthetic in my opinion.

  • If they want to be over with
    drug abuse it is not so difficult. For start, demand monster muscle mass and
    a tiny waistline. Get big buts out of bodybuilding. Yep these will do. HGH
    will be out, for start.

  • Great gains can come without
    steroids, but they need hard and smart training plus time, although 270 pounds
    4-5% BF without drugs seem to me impossible.

  • This guy if he does all that
    he says, is gonna die.

  • Expect a lot
    of ex-pro bodybuilders to die in the next years
  • Supplement industry is a big
    business today and the supplements companies are greedy bastards.

  • Magazines, supplement
    companies etc., do sell fake dreams to kids
    They are responsible for the downfall of competitive bodybuilding. Once upon
    a time there were champions like Arnold, Sergio, Franco and all the others,
    not to mention Steve Reaves and John Grimek, that had really nice physiques.
    Today's bodybuilders are just urghhhhh.

  • Grimek lived up to 87. How long
    do you think today's pros will live ?

tu penses que c'est qui le Pro? et la new drug que tout le monde prends c'est quoi, bloqueur de myostatine?
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Messages : 7025
Date d'inscription : 03/12/2010
Age : 32
Localisation : 21

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MessageSujet: Re: Dopage   Dopage - Page 3 EmptyDim 27 Nov - 17:50

La il fait passer les BB pour des pauvres malheureux qui se font exploiter, mais en même temps on leur a pas mis le couteau sous la gorge pour qu'ils acceptent de se charger Rolling Eyes En plus de ça le mec dis lui même que les BB a pouvoir vivre de leur passion sont très peu nombreux ... j'vois pas pourquoi on voudrait se détruire la santé si c'est pour finir clodo ... Si ils le font, c'est qu'ils le veulent, non ?
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MessageSujet: Re: Dopage   Dopage - Page 3 EmptyDim 27 Nov - 18:03

Craig Titus qui parle depuis sa prison.

King si tu captes quelques choses j'ai essayé d'entendre hier mais le son est assez mauvais je vais essayé une seconde écoute avec haut parleurs:!

Pour l'interview en 97 il y avait beaucoup de grande gueule! A mon avis déjà c'est un top pro donc ça peut être Levrone, Wheeler ou El sombaty qui avait une grosse bouche mais j'opte plus pour Dilett l'homme que Screw déteste. Il était 5e en 97 et en 98 il n'était même plus classé à Olympia soit + de 17ème!
Pour le produit miracle. Fort possible que ce soit ça mais même today ils n'arrivent pas réellement à jouer avec la myostatine! Quand ils y arriverons à mon avis les Cutler et Ronnie seront des avortons à côté!
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Messages : 6000
Date d'inscription : 20/11/2010
Age : 41
Localisation : Avignon

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MessageSujet: Re: Dopage   Dopage - Page 3 EmptyDim 27 Nov - 18:05

j'avais pas capté que c'etait en bad, pour la vid j'essaierai d'écouter ca
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MessageSujet: Re: Dopage   Dopage - Page 3 EmptyDim 27 Nov - 18:09

Ca marche!
Skunk ils dit aussi que c'est un rêve de gosse. Et puis le body c'est un sport très particulier, les standard évolue très vite! Avant les gros pecs gagnaient par exemple, puis ça à été le dos, et là on est dans l'air des jambes!
Si tu es plus dans les standards, si tu es trop légers, tu dégages c'est aussi simple que ça.
Seulement ces mecs ne savent faire que ça!
Heureusement de nos jours je dirais que Cutler à redonné un peu d'espoir aux mecs en montrant qu'on pouvait vivre et bien du body!
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Messages : 1155
Date d'inscription : 20/11/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Dopage   Dopage - Page 3 EmptyDim 27 Nov - 22:27

Je deteste pas Dillet, il a juste un physique immonde
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MessageSujet: Re: Dopage   Dopage - Page 3 EmptyLun 28 Nov - 2:01

Euuuuh perso je crois que je préférais encore avant!

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Anthony Weiss

Anthony Weiss

Messages : 1092
Date d'inscription : 26/11/2010
Age : 31
Localisation : Villefranche sur saône

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MessageSujet: Dopage   Dopage - Page 3 EmptyDim 18 Déc - 19:32

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Messages : 154
Date d'inscription : 03/11/2012
Age : 53
Localisation : Vannes

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MessageSujet: Re: Dopage   Dopage - Page 3 EmptyDim 15 Déc - 8:05

Je viens de lire les 4 pages, trés intéressant. A titre personnel je fais partie de ceux qui n'ont aucune tolérance pour le dopage, pour moi c'est tricher !
L'honnêteté me pousse à admettre que j'ai triché deux fois. J'ai pris de la créatine une semaine il y a une douzaine d'année lorsque je jouais au rugby à un bon niveau national. Et plus récemment j'ai commandé de l'éphédryne, j'en ai pris quelques gellules et comme pour la créat, j'ai tout mis à la benne.
Je suis bien trop gras, et la muscul pour moi est un moyen d'améliorer mon physique ... mais pas à n'importe quel prix !
Je suis porteur d'une maladie génétique compliquée dont j'ai déja parlé sur ce site et je retrouve dans les propos de flex une certaine approche de la vie particulière aux gens malades, approche qu'il a découvert sur le tard aprés avoir mis sa santé en péril de son propre chef. Je n'ai ni rancoeur contre, ni pitié pour ce gars ; il a joué, il a perdu, dommage pour lui.
Dans les pages que j'ai lu précédemment, j'ai été surpris par les posts qui "justifiaient" le dopage en cas de stagnation (aprés avoir tout tenté par des pratiquants expérimentés) ou d'autres pour lutter contre le "viellissement" car apres 50 ans on est pourri (j'éxagère un peu vos propos là). Je pense que derrière tout ça il y a un problême d'acceptation de soi,, de son niveau, de son patrimoine.Pour finir avec mon cas perso je jouais au rugby au Niveau F1 avec une saison PROD2ou j'étais moins titulaire. Je n'avais pas le physique, pas le bagage technique pour jouer au-dessus, dopé je ne suis pas sure que ça aurait changé grand-chose, ou peut-être que si ... Mais en tout cas je me suis éclaté là ou j'ai joué, je n'ai pas mis ma santé en danger et nos victoires, même petite par rapport au top 14, grand chelem ou coupe du monde, furent ponctuées de troisiémes mi-temps mémorables, qui elles furent de niveau international affraid .
Maintenant je prends beaucoup de plaisir à la sale de muscu, sans pression, avec pour objectif d'améliorer mon physique en fonction de mon age, de mon morphotype et sans objectifs inaccessibles.
Pour finir je voulais préciser que j'apprécie positivement l'évolution du site et remercie tamalou (qui est est devenu math, si j'ai bien compris ?)
d'avoir pris de mes nouvelles il y a quelque mois aprés m'avoir conseillé sur certains points.
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Messages : 1091
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Dopage   Dopage - Page 3 EmptyDim 15 Déc - 10:38

Oué intéressant comme tu dis.
Mais personnellement je fais partie de ceux qui n'ont aucune tolérance pour ceux qui n'ont aucune tolérance pour ceux qui se dopent... Pour moi c'est juste de la jalousie, la jalousie de ne pas avoir ce qu'il faut dans le froque pour se doper, parce que quand tu veux devenir le meilleur ou tout du moins concurrencer avec les meilleurs, avec l'élite, la question c'est est-ce que tu as ce qu'il faut dans le froque pour te doper au risque de ta vie ou de chopper pas mal de merde et pour ca il faut des couilles. Alors du moment que les mecs se dopent et qu'ils l'assument, c'est un choix respectable et c'est une voie comme une autre. On ne peut pas cracher sur un mec qu'il l'assume, surtout si c'est pour vivre ses rêves et non rêver sa vie comme un milliard de mouton jaloux qui crache sur les dopés, juste parce qu'ils n'en ont pas les couilles, parce qu'ils n'ont pas ce qu'il faut dans le froque.

Après il est certain que niveau tolérance, c'est zéro pour les mec qui se dopent et qui de 1 - tire dans des fédés dites de naturel, qui passent outre les controles et de 2 - qui pire, se revendique naturel -> Putain d'hypocrisie a deux balles.
Et de l'hypocrisie y en a pas mal sur un certain forum qui se dit revendiquer le naturel de part certains membre que ce soit des body ou un certain power en particulier, quand tu te dis fort et naturel et que t'as des perf qui équivalent l'élite du powerlifting, qui surpassent même des mec surdopé, faut arrêter...
Enfin la il n'y a pas de tolérance.

Mais pour un mec qui s'assume et qui a choisi sa voie, il n'y a pas lieu de lui chier dessus gratuitement, au contraire c'est respectable.

Et la créatine n'a rien d'un dopant c'est un supplément comme un autre, je pense qu'il y en a beaucoup ici dont moi qui se supplémente en créatine.

Juste une précision, il n'y a pas une once d'agressivité dans mon poste, je donne juste mon avis, après avoir lu le dernier post Smile
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Messages : 3363
Date d'inscription : 30/08/2011
Age : 29
Localisation : Versailles

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MessageSujet: Re: Dopage   Dopage - Page 3 EmptyDim 15 Déc - 11:39

Je suis d'accord avec toi Mimosa. Zac je pense que le dopage est une solution de facilité pour ces gens qui veulent être au top. Pour moi ils n'ont justement pas les couilles de s’entraîner plus dur pour atteindre ce niveau de compétition.

Sérieusement zac, faut avoir des couilles pour se doper ? pour moi c'est le contraire, il faut être faible et rien avoir dans la tête.

Maintenant c'est un choix, les dopés ont leur raison, mauvaise ou non, ils se dopent et ca c'est mal.

Ce dopé c'est anti sport, même si tout les meilleurs le font, ca reste un produit dangereux qui amène une mauvaise image au sport, à la communauté. Je suis contre.

Et oui la créa rien à voir. C'est un très bon complément.
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Messages : 3714
Date d'inscription : 20/11/2010
Age : 46
Localisation : AISNE

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MessageSujet: Re: Dopage   Dopage - Page 3 EmptyDim 15 Déc - 11:45

100% avec zac, surtout pour:

zac a écrit:
Après il est certain que niveau tolérance, c'est zéro pour les mec qui se dopent et qui de 1 - tire dans des fédés dites de naturel, qui passent outre les controles et de 2 - qui pire, se revendique naturel -> Putain d'hypocrisie a deux balles. 
Et de l'hypocrisie y en a pas mal sur un certain forum qui se dit revendiquer le naturel de part certains membre que ce soit des body ou un certain power en particulier, quand tu te dis fort et naturel et que t'as des perf qui équivalent l'élite du powerlifting, qui surpassent même des mec surdopé, faut arrêter... Enfin la il n'y a pas de tolérance.
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Messages : 1091
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Dopage   Dopage - Page 3 EmptyDim 15 Déc - 11:57

Quand ton rêve c'est d'atteindre le top, bulkas, enfin que ce n'est pas seulement un rêve mais que c'est quelque chose que tu veux concrétiser c'est être extrémement naif et vivre dans une sorte de rêve que de croire que par l'entrainement des plus difficiles et la meilleur des diètes tu pourras ne serait-ce que concurrencer avec l'élite. Parce que l'élite en plus de s'entrainer extrêmement difficilement, de ne jamais rien lâcher, d'avoir une motivation de malade et bah oui ils se dopent, ca fais partie du sport.

Et oui pour se doper il faut des putains de couilles quand, il faut des couilles quand tu n'es pas un débile que tu sais pourquoi tu le fais, que tu l'assumes et que surtout tu connais tout les risques que ca peut et que ca engendrera surement. C'est l'acceptation de pouvoir concurrencer avec les meilleurs, de peut-être pouvoir devenir le boss, contre peut-être crever a 40 - 50 pige ? Chopper un cancer du jour au lendemain... Donc oui il faut des couilles.

Après je parle pas du débile de la salle qui fait aucun progrès et se dope hasardeusement ou du power qui stagne et se dope, c'est différent.

Il ne faut pas dire que la dope c'est mal ou pas, il n'y a pas a avoir de jugement, c'est un choix pour un mec qui l'assume et qui est conscient de ce qu'il fait et de ce qu'il veut, un choix.

La dope amène une mauvaise image au sport bof bof surtout les gens naif a qui ca amène une mauvaise image quand ils apprennent que certains se dope.
Mais a haut niveau dans TOUT les sport, il y a de la dope.
J'ai discuté avec mon pote enfin le mec avec qui je m'entrainai rima sur superphysique, il me disait que même les joueurs d'échec prennent des dopants pour la concentration ou une connerie comme ca, c'est pour dire.

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Messages : 28
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2013
Age : 27
Localisation : Lyon

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MessageSujet: Re: Dopage   Dopage - Page 3 EmptyDim 15 Déc - 12:12

Comme a dit theghost,  bah Zac a tout dit.
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Messages : 3363
Date d'inscription : 30/08/2011
Age : 29
Localisation : Versailles

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MessageSujet: Re: Dopage   Dopage - Page 3 EmptyDim 15 Déc - 12:58

Je comprend les points que tu avances zac, je comprend les personnes qui se dopent et les raison pour lesquelles ils le font sont parfois fondées, mais je ne l'accepte pas. Pour moi c'est tricher.
Et ce n'est pas parcque tout le monde triche que c'est bien de le faire et qu'il faut le faire.

Je pense que la vie est assez longue pour te donner une marge de progression naturel immense.

Après c'est juste une question de temps par rapport à ses objectifs. 2 mois-2ans-20 ans +.
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Messages : 1091
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Dopage   Dopage - Page 3 EmptyDim 15 Déc - 13:54

Une marge naturel ne rivalisera jamais avec une marge de dopé
Même les mec chargés qui aujourd'hui ont les world record ou explose les world record font du power depuis quoi 6, 10, 15 ans... Dan green doit avoir 30 pige il a commencé vers 15 ans je crois, eric lilliebridge dois avoir 22-24 il a commencé vers 12-13 ans je crois, enfin voila.

C'est pas triché du moment qu'elles ne mentent pas, qu'elles concourrent dans des fédé ou des événements ou il n'y a pas de réglement par rapport a cela. Après si on part de ce raisonnement le sport professionnel et même voir le sport amateur dans certain cas ca se résume a être de la triche.

Après voila je pense pas que ce débat ira bien loin on a chacun un point de vu bien différent pierre ^^
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Messages : 3363
Date d'inscription : 30/08/2011
Age : 29
Localisation : Versailles

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MessageSujet: Re: Dopage   Dopage - Page 3 EmptyDim 15 Déc - 14:06

Exactement on a un point de vue différent, je cherchais pas à te convaincre ou quoi que se soit, j'ai juste réagit à tes propos et émis ma façon de voir les choses.

C'est fait pour ca le forum, se confronter à des idées différente des nôtres.
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Messages : 1091
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Dopage   Dopage - Page 3 EmptyDim 15 Déc - 14:18

Oué c'est sur enfin quand t'as 2 types buté avec un point de vu ancré ca avance pas toujours bien haha ^^
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Messages : 3363
Date d'inscription : 30/08/2011
Age : 29
Localisation : Versailles

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MessageSujet: Re: Dopage   Dopage - Page 3 EmptyDim 15 Déc - 14:38

Apres ca c'est une autre historie. Moi si t'as un avis différent du mien, que tu me l'explique bien, pourquoi et comment, les raisons du choix ok, c'est intéressant. Là tu m'a donner certain argument, tu m'a expliqué ton idée, niquel. Mais c'est pas pour ca que je vais changer d'avis hein. Je préfère parler avec un mec qui a des idées totalement opposés aux mienne mais qui a des arguments qu'avec quelqu'un qui a les même que moi mais aucun argument.

Tout le débat sur le dopage ca reflète une façon de penser/ d'agir dans la vie, on ne peut pas avoir tous la même.
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